The Lumberman's Alphabet
A is for axes you all well know,
B is the boys who use them just so,
C is the chopping we use for to do,
And D is the danger so often go through.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing goes wrong.
E is the echo in the woods it does ring,
F is the foreman who headed our gang,
G is the grindstone that merrily goes round,
And H is the handle so smoothly worn down.
I is for iron we mark our pine,
J is for Jover who near left behind,
K is the keen edges on our axes we keep,
And L is the lice on our backs they do creep.
And a merry, so merry, so merry are we,
There’s no mortal on earth that’s so happy as we.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing goes wrong.
M is the moss we crock our camp,
N is the needle that mended our pants,
O is owl that hoots in the night,
And P is the pine we always fell right.
Q is for quarrels we did not allow,
R is for Roger, the roads he did plow,
S is the sled so stout and so strong,
And T is the team a-hauled them along.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing go wrong.
U is utensils we use for to use,
V is the valley we swamped our roads through,
W the woods we left in the spring,
And now you have heard all I’m going to sing.
Now, there are three letters that don’t come in rhyme:
X, Y and Z we don’t use cutting pine.
X is all crosswise and Y is too long
And Z we leave out, so this ends my song.
Collection item #T10B13 Sung by Merritt Earl, VT.
B is the boys who use them just so,
C is the chopping we use for to do,
And D is the danger so often go through.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing goes wrong.
E is the echo in the woods it does ring,
F is the foreman who headed our gang,
G is the grindstone that merrily goes round,
And H is the handle so smoothly worn down.
I is for iron we mark our pine,
J is for Jover who near left behind,
K is the keen edges on our axes we keep,
And L is the lice on our backs they do creep.
And a merry, so merry, so merry are we,
There’s no mortal on earth that’s so happy as we.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing goes wrong.
M is the moss we crock our camp,
N is the needle that mended our pants,
O is owl that hoots in the night,
And P is the pine we always fell right.
Q is for quarrels we did not allow,
R is for Roger, the roads he did plow,
S is the sled so stout and so strong,
And T is the team a-hauled them along.
Hi dearie, lo dearie, hi dearie, lo down,
Give shanty boys grog and there’s nothing go wrong.
U is utensils we use for to use,
V is the valley we swamped our roads through,
W the woods we left in the spring,
And now you have heard all I’m going to sing.
Now, there are three letters that don’t come in rhyme:
X, Y and Z we don’t use cutting pine.
X is all crosswise and Y is too long
And Z we leave out, so this ends my song.
Collection item #T10B13 Sung by Merritt Earl, VT.